Breaking Cycles Symposium UPDATE
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
@ Hawaiʻi State Capitol Auditorium
415 South Beretania Street

We are reconvening to share-out findings from our workshops and report on developments from partnered agencies and organizations.

“Department Update”
Tommy Johnson, Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation
video recording

“Note from the Governor’s Office”
Michael Champion, Governor’s Office
video recording

“Workshop Outcomes”
Cathi Ho Schar, UH Community Design Center
presentation slides I video recording

Speaker panel
“Kauhale Initiative”
John Mizuno, Governor’s Office
video recording

“Sequential Intercept “Mapping Final Report”
Nikos Leverenz, Hawaiʻi Health & Harm Reduction Center
presentation slides I video recording

“Crisis Continuum”
Dr. Chad Koyanagi, Dept. of Health
presentation slides I video recording

“Post-Booking Jail Diversion in the First Circuit”
Judge Melanie May, Hawaiʻi State Judiciary / Kainoa Castro, Dept. of Health
video recording

“Med-QUEST’s 1115 Waiver Renewal”
Dr. Judy Mohr Peterson, Dept. of Human Services
presentation slides I video recording

“Hoʻokanaka and ʻĀina-based Recovery”
Iopa Maunakea, Men of PAʻA (slide presentation)
presentation slides I video recording

Discussion and Q&A